Web portal Pošta Srpske

Preduzeće za Poštanski saobraćaj Republike Srpske a.d. Banja Luka

Philatelic albums

Postal stamps, in the best way promote Republic of Srpska, its history, anniversaries, personalities, cities, art, beauty, flora and fauna, sports, and other important events, and thus represent a value that lasts. Therefore, do not think a lot, be different, and create a unique album that will give a business partner or your love one!
The uniqueness of this gift is surely that you create the content of albums and you can choose the stamps by the subject, age, or only those that are interesting to you.
Also, the above albums can be representative and valuable gift in the course of your diplomatic visits, because it is the most beautiful and most interesting way to represent your country or your city.
Album prices are defined based on the number and types of items of which were made, ranging from 40 KM to 450 KM. 
Be original and create your own album!

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