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Preduzeće za Poštanski saobraćaj Republike Srpske a.d. Banja Luka

Business express

Business express service is available only in domestic postal traffic.

Business Express service is designed for legal entities or individual entrepreneurs which have concluded the Contract for this type of service. In order to be able to use Business Express service either one party, the sender or the addressee, must have a Contract for transmission of Business Express items. The users of this service (sender or recipient) may also be natural persons, provided that the client of the service is a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur who has concluded a contract for the transmission of Business Express mail.

Business express mail is a postal service with guaranteed next day delivery (until 3PM) within Bosnia and Herzegovina in more than 85% of post offices. The content of Business express mail may be exclusively goods with insured value up to 10.000 BAM.

Furthermore, for Business Express mail the sender may request:

  • insured value
  • да преда откупну пошиљку
  • delivery in person
  • advice of delivery
  • return documents service

Пошиљка Биз експрес се може примити као појединачна, збирна (најмање 2 (двије), а највише 3 (три) појединачне пошиљке) и Биз експрес-палета.

  • Рок за уручење пошиљака Брзе поште је наредни радни дан до 15 часова, ако је пошиљка предата прије отпреме пошиљака из поште и уколико одредишна пошта (пошта која уручује пошиљку) има наредни радни дан размјену закључака

  • За поште које немају свакодневну размјену закључака рок за уручење пошиљака је до 15 часова у дан размјене закључака (приспјеће пошиљке у пошту која уручује пошиљку). 

  • Списак пошта са роковима уручења Брзе поште можете погледати овдје.

Postage may be paid by:

  • the sender
  • the recipient
  • the third party provided that it has concluded a Contract for conveyance of Business Express items
  • Business express mail may contain goods
  • The sender bears the responsibility for sending prohibited items
  • The sender is responsible for damage caused by the contents of the item or inadequate packing.
  • It is the sender's responsibility to pack the item in a way to protect its contents, other items and employees handling with the items.
  • За паковање пошиљака користи се одговарајућа амбалажа, као нпр. омоти-коверте, курирске врећице, провидне фолије, кутије, сандуци и др.
  • The packaging must correspond to the type, nature, content, shape, weight and value of the item itself.
  • Objects made of glass or other fragile objects (ceramic object, electric and computer equipment) should be packed in a strong box, filled with an appropriate protective material.
  • Течности треба да буду затворене у потпуно непромочиве посуде. Свака посуда се ставља у специјално тврду кутију у којој се налази одговарајући заштитни материјал за упијање течности у случају  оштећења  посуде. Поклопац кутије се чврсто затвара тако да не може да се отвори;
  • Fatty substances which do not easily liquefy (ointments, soft-soap, resins etc.) should be enclosed in a first packing (box, bag of cloth or plastic bag, etc.), which is itself placed in a box (wooden, metal, strong plastic) or from other material stout enough to prevent the contents from leaking.
  • Different types of dry powders should be packed in metal, wooden, strong plastic or cardboard containers (box, bag). These containers shall themselves be enclosed in a stout box made from wood, metal, plastic etc. and space between the boxes should be filled with appropriate absorbent and protective material.
  • If the Express or Business express mail item is posted individually, the sender with its signature on the address label confirms that he/she is familiar with the conditions for service provision and takes responsibility for appropriate packing of the item. If the Express or Business Express mail items are posted via the Acceptance Book than the signature in the book confirms that he/she is familiar with the conditions for service provision and takes responsibility for appropriate packing of the item.
  • Items should be closed with glue, tape, string, security label etc
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