Web portal Pošta Srpske

Preduzeće za Poštanski saobraćaj Republike Srpske a.d. Banja Luka

Customer service

Call Center of Poste Srpske is a specialized information center for natural and legal entities.

at the cost of a local call

Радно вријеме: радним данима од 07:00 до 20:00 и суботом од 07:00 до 16:00.

Mail: kontakt@postesrpske.com

By contacting the Call Center of Poste Srpske you can find out all about our services, prices, status of postal items, working hours of post offices, prohibited contents in parcels and other segments of postal traffic. You can also contact us electronically

If you are not satisfied with our service or you have any comments, objections, suggestions or praises to our work, you can sent it electronicallyto the following e-mail prigovori@postesrpske.com or to our address

Poste Srpske, Halo centar
Kralja Petra I Karađorđevića 93a, 78000 Banja Luka

If you believe that your parcel has not been delivered to the recipient, or it has been delivered late, or that your money order has not been paid to the recipient, you can file a formal complaint or initiate a claim at the post office from which you sent the parcel, or from any post office.

You can initiate search procedure for parcels sent abroad from your home computer 

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