Web portal Pošta Srpske

Preduzeće za Poštanski saobraćaj Republike Srpske a.d. Banja Luka

International express mail

International Express mail means registered mail item without the insured value and without special services, weighting up to 30 kg.

International Express Mail may be accepted for following countries: Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and Montenegro.

It is forbidden to send in postal items: explosive, easily flammable, radioactive or other dangerous substances, objects whose transfer threatens the health and life of humans and other postal items, narcotics and psychoactive substances, immoral contents, live animals, except animals whose transport is regulated by specific terms for the provision of postal services, and other goods and objects whose transport is prohibited by law and other regulations, as well as items whose import is prohibited in destination country.

Please note that it is prohibited to put money, any securities, checks, platinum, gold, silver, precious stones, jewelry or any other precious contents in international Express mail items.

The extract from the World Postal Convention

Maximum dimensions for express mail items are: sum of its length and circumference can not exceed 3m at its widest point, but the greatest dimension can not exceed 1.5m;

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