Web portal Pošta Srpske

Preduzeće za Poštanski saobraćaj Republike Srpske a.d. Banja Luka

Word from CEO

Poste Srpske JSC Banja Luka is a designated postal operator and one of the pillars of the Republic of Srpska's economy.
Company has approx. 2400 employees within the Directorate, 10 Regional units for postal services and Specialized unit for IT services.
There are 227 post offices within Poste Srpske providing services throughout the territory of the Republic of Srpska.
By networking all the locations of our posts, improving technology of our business and information integration of process, we bring closer our services to customers.
Aware of corporate social responsibility and the role of Post Srpska in the economic development of the Republic of Srpska, we are constantly, continuously providing new opportunities for accelerated development of the Company's business, and therefore of society as a whole.
In complex market conditions, we constantly show high competitiveness and seriousness in the range of quality of services, prices and delivery times.
In addition to improving traditional services, we strive to increase revenues by introducing new services, that is, by modernizing our business.
At the same time, we are constantly improving our business organization to achieve better business results.
We are pushing the boundaries in performing the most complex tasks as well as projects of general social interest.
Following the trends of electronic communication and digitization, Poste Srpske prove to be stable system with potential to respond quickly and effectively to complex tasks.
We are capable of meeting the needs of all users of our services.
We are proud of the successful provision of postal services throughout the Republic of Srpska with the same quality, prices and equal conditions for all users.
The business goals of Poste Srpske that I will hold in my mandate as a priority are:

1. Maintaining the stability and liquidity of the Company,
2. Continuous work on improving the quality of our services,
3. Improvement of existing services with market research and trend monitoring,
4. Creating a pricing policy to increase the number of users of our services,
5. Accentuating marketing activities, i.e, promotion through electronic and print media,
6. Continued and more active engagement in the branding of Poste Srpske,
7. Introducing a system of employee motivation and creation of the Company's personnel policy,
8. Implementation of Universal Postal Union projects and guidelines,
9. Improvement of cooperation with other postal operators in BiH and the region

Our future operations will be based on the ultimate goal, which is to improve the Company's business, improve the quality of services and customer satisfaction.

Miladin Radovic, CEO

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