Web portal Pošta Srpske

Preduzeće za Poštanski saobraćaj Republike Srpske a.d. Banja Luka

Parcel services

Parcel services are services addressed to the specific recipient to whom the parcel is to be delivered.

Parcel is a closed postal item containing goods and other items. The sender is given a Notice of receipt of the parcel and the addressee is handed the parcel with a signature.

The deadline and the standard for transportation and delivery of postal items means the time period from the moment when the item is posted until the actual delivery to the addressee or attempt of delivery.

In domestic postal traffic, Pošte Srpske is obliged to transfer parcels within the following deadlines:

  • up to 2 working days for delivery areas where delivery is organized at least 5 working days per week
  • up to 3 working days for delivery areas where delivery is organized at least 3 working days per week
  • up to 5 working days for delivery area where delivery is organized at least 1 working day per week.

The deadlines for delivery does not include:

  • the day of posting the item
  • non-working days (Sunday, State and religious holidays and days when delivery is not provided)
  • period of delay due to incorrect or insufficient address
  • period of delay due to Force Majeure or delay in traffic not caused by Poste Srpske.

In international operations the deadlines for transmission depend on the distance between origin and destination country, transportation routes, quality standards of the national postal operators.

The duration time for customs procedure within the destination country is excluded from the transmission deadlines.

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