
Web portal Pošta Srpske

Preduzeće za Poštanski saobraćaj Republike Srpske a.d. Banja Luka

Vision, mission and strategic goals

The Vision

Poste Srpske – Always at your service.We make an important contribution every day in development and delivery of high quality and widely available postal, financial and IT services, with economic sustainability and responsible business operations. Our aspiration is to be the best postal operator to do business with..

The Mission

We always proved a unique and comprehensive postal, financial and IT service on time and at any place.We are corporate responsible and economically efficient company, constantly developing technologically and we are leader in domestic market of postal, financial and IT services.

For us, this means that we can offer each customer group the most suitable services. We achieve this with through our commitment to our activities in all areas of postal and financial services. Together with our employees, we shape our future and continue to follow sustainable company management towards the long-term success.

Postal strengths are tradition, reliability, financial stability and brand strength. Employees of Poste Srpske are competent and recognizable, experienced and available. More than 90 % of users of Poste Srpske services have confidence in our employees, and thus with Poste Srpske with greatest and most accessible network of posts in the Republic of Srpska. With development of e-commerce and improvement of logistic and postal processes offer new opportunities for development and entry into new markets.

Poste Srpske and its employees live their vision every day – to be at your service. Postmen daily throughout the Republic of Srpska deliver more than million mail items, while operators at counter make contact with more than 100.000 people. In addition to delivering mail items to address, postmen are always ready to help community regardless of weather conditions. Operators at counters introduce clients with our services, because Poste Srpske are the PLACE where you can receive many services

The Strategic Goals

Поште Српске се у свом раду увијек воде стратешким циљем да се неометано баве унапређењем поштанског саобраћаја, не само развојем основног пословања, него и понудом услуга других предузећа и институција, које преко Пошта Српске нуде своје производе и услуге. Strategic goals are high quality of every service we offer, including the services we provide for on behalf of other companies and institutions.Our ambition to fulfill our mission and to achieve our vision is determined with strategic goals, and in manners in which these goals are achieved. Our work is focused on customer needs. Successful customer contributes also to our success. High quality of services is the key to our progress. On the one hand, this means that in every day work we strive for the highest possible quality, in every day work we strive for the highest possible quality, аnd on the other hand, we pay special attention to our costsAs a responsible company, we are guided by the principles of social responsibility and environmental protection

The Values

Trust, being proactive

We know where we are, we know where we need to be and how to move forward, and to be the best in our business.

With great effort and dedication we became the leading postal company. Teams consisting of young and experienced professionals, refine their skills and knowledge every day. More experienced workers pass their knowledge to new colleagues through trainings using the existing and new equipment.

Such structure of resources, equipment and staff provide us with 100% coverage of all cities and places in the Republic of Srpska and we provide fast acceptance, distribution and delivery of all mail items on time, i.e. postal traffic is carried out on time.

Poste Srpske are strong and large public company for postal operations with importance for the entire Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina. We are present in every part of the Republic of Srpska and also in parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. We hire over 2.000 employees and have over 420 counters. That is why it is important how we do business, to which segments of business we focus and in which direction we plan to develop.

We will develop our core business, we will develop the knowledge and competences of our employees, аnd we plan to conquer new markets with development of logistics. Our core business will be developed with improvement of processes and introduction of innovations. We will pay attention to quality, because our goal is to offer our customers the best service and to become the postal leader in the region.

Нова времена захтијевају нове услуге. У складу са стратегијом развоја Поште Српске ће ширити обим услуга које пружају корисницима на поштанским шалтерима. Партнерством и сарадњом са све више јавних институција, Поште Српске теже повећању квалитета и доступности својих услуга. Својом мрежом са више од 420 поштанских шалтера широм Републике Српске многе непоштанске услуге од сада све више постају „поштанске“.  Поштански шалтери  тако постају централно PLACE for providing services for many other companies and institutions.

Development of core business

Core business is developed through investments in human resources and new technologies. Digitalisation of delivery process is important step in development of business operations.

Knowledge and trust development

People are the biggest strength of Poste Srpske and that is why development of knowledge, competences of employees and culture of behavior are the top priority.

Postal values – trust, being proactive and best, are the basis for the fulfillment of our vision and mission. Trust means that we can communicate openly with each other, with constant team work and each of us taking responsibility for actions. Being proactive in Poste Srpske means that we share information, seek for the solutions and improve our business processes.

We provide our services in the right way and at the right time and we continuously improve our selves, which leads to the fulfillment of our VISION and MISSION.

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