Web portal Pošta Srpske

Preduzeće za Poštanski saobraćaj Republike Srpske a.d. Banja Luka


Poste Srpske were transformed with the sale of state owned capital in accordance with the Law on Privatization of State Capital in Companies (Official Gazette of RS, 24/98) on December 25, 2002

Share capital is distributed in following manner:

Company bodies responsible for managing Poste Srpske today:

  • Assembly of Shareholders 
  • Supervisory Board
  • Management 


Miladin Radovic, BSc. in Transport Engineering

Born on 1988 in Ljubovija. Bachelor of Science in Transport Engineering and owner of several private companies.
Successful businessman and councilor at Municipal Assembly of Bratunac. Married, father of three children.
CEO of Poste Srpske since July 2019.

Зоран Вујмиловић, дипл.ек.

Рођен 1972. године у Бањој Луци. Завршио средњу Електро-техничку школу „Никола Тесла“ Бања Лука, смјер рачунарска техника и аутоматика и Економски факултет Универзитета у Бањој Луци, те стекао звање дипломирани економиста.
Учесник одбрамбено-отаџбинског рата од 1992. године.
Од 2004. године запослен у Поштама Српске А.Д. Бања Лука, на радним мјестима: Самостални стручни сарадник за благајничко трезорско пословање, шеф Одсјека за платни промет, руководилац Службе за платни промет.
У периоду од 2012. године до 2020. године, у два мандата, обављао функцију начелника Службе за заједничке послове у Градској управи Града Бања Лука. Ожењен, отац двоје дјеце.

Milenko Vučeta, MEng in postal technology

Born in 1966 in Nisevici near Prijedor. Graduated from the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences in Zagreb in 1990 where he also obtained a Master's degree. Upon finishing the studies, he started working at the Territorial unit for postal traffic Novi Sad. Thereafter, during the takeover of employees between two companies, he moves to former PTT Krajina or Poste Srpske today. In Poste Srpske he worked as the Head of Department, the Director of the territorial unit for postal operations and the Deputy Director of the Company. From 2013 to April 2016 he worked as the Chief of the Department for Veterans and disability affairs in Banjaluka's city administration. Married, two children.

Zoran Protic, BSc. in EE

Born in Banja Luka in 1975, where he graduated at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in 2004, and became a graduate electrical engineer. In Poste Srpske he is employed since 2004. Prior to his appointment, he worked as the Head of the department for development in the field of information technology and development. Father of four children.

Snjezana Martic, BSc. in Postal Technology

Born on March 30, in 1963 in Kotor Varos. Graduated the Faculty of Transportation in Belgrade, Department of PTT traffic, and graduated as a traffic engineer. In the period from 1994 to 2000, she completed work in the frame of postal exploitation with secondary, post-secondary and higher education. Afterwards, she worked as the Director of WU PTC Banja Luka in the Poste Srpske. In the period from 2001 to 2005 she was the head of the Service for Transport and Processing of Shipments, and then from 2005 to 2006, she was the Advisor to the Management Board for Corporate Governance. From 2006 to 2015, she was elected Executive Director for postal traffic, and after that from 2017, she was an advisor in the Business Cabinet. She is the mother of one child.

Дијана Грујић, дипл.политик.

Dijana Grujić

Рођена 1982. године у Бањалуци. Дипломирани је политиколог, а у Поштама Српске запослена од 2003. године. Прије именовања руководила је Службом за маркетинг. Мајка двоје дјеце.

Зоран Дурић, дипл.инж.саоб.

Zoran Durić

Rođen 2.marta 1982. godine u Varešu. Srednju školu završio u Zvorniku, dok je Fakultet tehničkih nauka, smjer poštanski saobraćaj i komunikacije završio u Novom Sadu, gdje je stekao zvanje diplomirani inžinjer saobraćaja.

U Poštama Srpske se zapošljava nakon završenog fakulteta 1.marta 2006. godine kao pripravnik u Radnoj jedinici poštansko saobraćajni centar Banja Luka. Nakon položenog pripravničkog ispita biva zaposlen u istoj RJ kao kontrolor novčanog poslovanja, gdje započinje njegov razvojni put u Poštama Srpske. Baveći se isključivo tehnologijom u narednih 18 godina obavljao je poslove u dvije različite Radne jedinice i u direkciji preduzeća, te radio kao referent za poštansku mrežu, šef odsjeka za poštanski saobraćaj, direktor Radne jedinice za poštanski saobraćaj, koordinator prodaje i marketinga, kao i direktor Radne jedinice poštansko saobraćajni centar Banja Luka.

Oženjen je i otac dvoje djece.

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