Distribution of promotional materials (Direct Mail)
Direct mail represents transfer service of promotional material (leaflets, catalogs, brochures, advertising samples, promotional newspapers and magazines, promotional CDs, etc.) containing an identical message being sent to at least 30 addresses. Bills, invoices, financial statements and other non-identical messages are not considered direct mail. Direct mail can be addressed or unaddressed.
A shipment that a sender sends without the recipient's address is considered unaddressed direct mail. Consignees can be natural and legal entities. Shipments are retrieved at the sender's address and shipped to the recipient's address. Unaddressed direct mail service is intended for all companies, service providers or manufacturers regardless of their size or target market and can be adapted to different customer segments. Unaddressed direct mail is the most cost effective way of advertising through direct communication with target groups of users. Clients can conclude a Contract on unaddressed direct mail transmission annually only for quantities over 100,000 shipments. One-time contracts are concluded for quantities below 100,000 shipments.
Special offers for unaddressed direct mail (UDM):
- One-time distribution of UDM up to 1.000 pieces (small enterprises, sole proprietorships, individuals engaged in specific activities). Payment is made in advance in 100% amount;
- Distribution by target group (pensioners, legal entities and etc.) signed one-time contract with Poste Srpske and payment is made via advance payment or after the realization of distribution.
Пошиљка коју пошиљалац шаље са назначеном адресом примаоца сматра се директом поштом адресованом. Примаоци пошиљки могу бити физичка и правна лица. Пошиљке се преузимају на адреси пошиљаоца, а достављају се на адресу примаоца.
Direct mail items are addressed in upper left corner and must have mark "DIREKTNA POŠTA" in domestic traffic, and “DIRECT MAIL” in international traffic.
Addressed direct mail can be up to 1.000g and dimensions prescribed for a regular letter.
The sender is required, upon submission, to provide the designated postal operator with one copy of the contents of the shipment.