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Writers 2022

Title:: Writers   
Date of Issue: 21.10.2022.
Author: Bozidar Dosenovic
Type edition: commemorative
Printing techniques: multicolour offset
Sheet: 12+4
Paper: muflep 100g
Printing House: Blicdruk, Sarajevo


Motive: Vasko Popa 
Каталошки број: 911
Perforation: 13 3/4
Face value: 0,90 BAM

Quantity: 15 000


Motive: Arsen Diklic  
Каталошки број: 912
Perforation: 13 3/4
Face value: 0,90 BAM

Quantity: 15 000


Motive: Dusko Radovic  
Каталошки број: 913
Perforation: 13 3/4
Face value: 0,90 BAM

Quantity: 15 000

Arsen Diklic is a Serbian writer, film and television screenwriter who, with his literary creations, ranks among the most important Serbian writers for children and youth. As a child, he fell in love with the river Gacka, where he also had his hidden boat, and later spent his best days on the Danube and the Sava. Many of his stories and poems arose from that love and dreams on the rivers, and one of the most beautiful is the poem "The Blue Whale". In his novels, Diklic describes events during the Second World War. In cooperation with Branko Bauer, he wrote the screenplay for the film "Don't turn around, son" (based on his novel of the same name), which won the "Golden Arena for Directing" at the Pula festival in 1956.

Душан Душко Радовић српски пјесник, писац, новинар, афористичар и ТВ уредник.  Најширој публици је познат по афоризмима којима је будио Београђане на таласима Радија „Студио Б“. Емисија „Београде добро јутро” почела је да се емитује 1975. године , а укинута је 1982. године, када су одређени чланови владајуће партије окарактерисали Душкове афоризме као „политичке поруке са израженом моралистичком и демагошком позадином”. Сценарио и текст популарних пјесама писао је за дјечију телевизијску серију „На слово на слово“.  Дјела овог аутора превођена су на све значајније свјетске језике. Радовић је добитник наших најугледнијих награда као и дипломе Међународне организације за дјечију књижевност Ханс Кристијан Андерсен.

Vasile Vasko Popa was a Serbian poet and academic. He was included among the 100 most famous Serbs. During World War II, he was imprisoned in the German concentration camp in Zrenjanin. After the end of the war, he graduated from the Romance group of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. Vasko Popa made a sharp turn in contemporary Serbian poetry in the early fifties when Popa's collection of poems Kora appeared. The appearance of Vasko Popa in post-war Serbian poetry marks a strong turn in relation to the poetic creativity of his contemporaries. Vasko Popa's poetic expression is inclined to aphorism, proverb, is elliptical and concise. Popa is one of the most translated Yugoslav poets and one of the founders of the Vojvodina Academy of Sciences and Arts in Novi Sad. He is the first winner of the "Branko Award" for poetry, in honor of the poet Branko Radicevic.

Author: MA Bozidar Dosenovic

Publisher: Poste Srpske a.d. Banjaluka

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