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International Year of Light

Title::International Year of Light
Date of Issue:16.02.2015.
Type edition:commemorative
Printing techniques:multicolour offset
Paper:muflep 100g
Printing House:Forum, Novi Sad


Motive:refraction of light
Catalogue no.:651
Perforation:13 3/4
Face value:1.70 BAM
Quantity:15 000

United Nations General Assembly at its 68th session on 20th December

  1. 2013 has declared 2015 the International Year of Light.

This planetary initiative brings together scientific and commercial organizations around the world. UNESCO

coordinate activities, and the General Secretariat is located in Italy, Abdus Salam

International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste.

Light occupies a dominant position in our daily lives, and perhaps the

most important area of science and technology in

the 21st century. Application of light in science and technology is important in medicine, energy, information and communication

technology, agriculture, mining, astronomy, architecture, archeology, fun

Art. International Year of Light will be marked across the planet during

  1. 2015, in ways that will engage the population of all ages and all levels

of education.

Republic of Srpska is, through educational institutions and non-governmental organizations, integral part of

of this planetary event. Through cultural, artistic, scientific

and popular scientific events during 2015, our part of the Earth to mark the International Year of Light,

thus proving that we are an inseparable part of the scientific and cultural communities of this planet.



Author: Nebojsa Djumic and МА Bozidar Dosenovic

Publisher: Poste Srpske a.d. Banjaluka

Cooperation: PMF Banjaluka

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